American Ginseng

Welcome back!  This week I wanted to share a great article on the benefits of ginseng.  American ginseng is a perennial herb and grows wild in deciduous forests of the eastern United States. American ginseng is an erect plant that reaches a height of 0.3 to 0.7 meters and has fusiform roots, greenish-white flowers and red berries. The roots and rhizomes are often branched or forked, and they bring a premium price if they resemble a human form. Wild ginseng once thrived along most of the nation’s eastern seaboard, from Maine to Alabama and west to Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. American ginseng, was at one time plentiful in all mountainous regions of the United States. However, it was over-harvested in the mid-1970s, and was subsequently defined as an endangered species. Now, only licensed ginseng harvesters are allowed to dig for the wild ginseng root.

Ginseng was one of the earliest marketable herbs harvested in the United States. Wild ginseng was one of Minnesota’s first major exports. In 1860, more than 120 tons of dried ginseng roots were shipped from the Minnesota to China. American ginseng is similar to Asian ginseng, Panax ginseng, L. that grows wild in Northern Manchuria and has been harvested there for thousands of years. Currently, 18 states issue licenses to export it. In Wisconsin and several other states where ginseng is cultivated, a permit is not required to export artificially propagated ginseng.

American ginseng is also commonly cultivated. It is relatively easy to grow. The root takes approximately 5 years to reach harvesting maturity. American ginseng plants are generally started from seeds. Seedlings or roots for transplanting are available commercially but used infrequently. Seeds are planted in the fall and germinate in the spring.


Ha I am glad my head is attached!!!

I put a health article on the travel blog and a travel article on the health blog!!! Well enjoy and I will try not to do that again!

Italy Guided Tour for your summer Vacation!

Guided Tours of the magnificent Italy,

If you know a little Italian, you may want to visit the beautiful country of Italy on your own. If, however, you’re looking to sit back and pack in as much of the country as possible, try one of the guided tours of Italy offered by many travel services. You’ll generally get a cheaper deal and you’ll enjoy the country on an air-conditioned coach, complete with an Italian-speaking interpreter.

There are many ways to take guided tours of Italy but many of them start near the top of the country and go southward. The tour can begin in the watery canals of Venice or in the fashion capital of Milan. In Venice, visitors can take a gondola ride and eat in one of the many fine restaurants in the city. The lovely city stretches across numerous small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon that opens into the Adriatic Sea in the northeast part of the country. The city conveniently lies between the mouths of the Po and the Piave Rivers.

Towards the west coast, make sure you make over to the region of Tuscany. There you will find some of the best wines Italy has to offer. If wine isn’t really you’re thing maybe Renaissance art or maybe Michelangelo’s statue of David is.

In Milan, a tourist on one of the guided tours of Italy can take a few hours to shop the expensive shops in downtown Milan. Your guides might have purchased tickets for the group at the famous La Scala Theater. The Duomo in Milan is the second largest cathedral in the country. Many guided tours of Italy then head south, through the Tuscan hills and into the ancient and beautiful city of Florence, called “Firenze” in Italy. The Arno River runs through the city, also a location of many museums and churches.

Many go to Florence to see the Ponte Vecchio, a unique old bridge crossing the river that contains many quaint shops and eateries. The Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore is the magnificent domed cathedral within the city. On some guided tours of Florence, you’ll be given time to see its many lovely churches or to see the Uffizi Galleries or the Pitti Palace.

When you think you’ve seen enough churches, many guided tours of Italy take you to Rome and the Vatican—both places where the churches and cathedrals are extremely wealthy and amazing to see. You’ll also see the Coliseum, the Roman Forum and the Pantheon—all parts of ancient Roman times that have been somewhat preserved. You may also be able to see some catacombs, which were places where early Christians worshipped and buried their dead.

Hopefully, you’ll be on one of the guided tours of Italy that includes Southern Italy and a visit to the very ancient
village of Pompeii. Destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, it is currently a life-sized museum of what life was like in
the average city a millennium ago. It may prove, in fact, to be the highlight of your guided tour.

New Books Out

New books out and new posts coming, check out Amazon search on Kerecz and check out the new books. Now that they are done there will be new posts on the way!!!!

See you here!

About a few health supplements

These days, there are plenty of pills out there offered by your local pharmacy to cure what ails you. But you can never be too sure that the products pushed on us by the food and drug administration are the best thing for you. A lot of these pills have side effects, and some of them are not tolerated well by certain people.

To that end, there are numerous alternative health supplements offered that can help your body get into the best shape it’s ever been. Here are the facts on some of them:

Coral calcium- This supplement is great to help your body. You probably know that your body needs calcium to maintain its bones and teeth, but most people don’t realize that you need a certain level of calcium in your bloodstream as well.

If you don’t keep replenishing this calcium, your body will begin to sap the calcium from your bones and teeth to maintain the level in your blood. This can result in bone and teeth shrinkage, and can make them brittle and cause movements to be painful. Coral calcium is a source of calcium that surpasses most of the others. Available in supplement form, coral calcium can be a great buy.

Another one of the alternative health supplements offered is fish oil. Harvested from fatty fish, this oil contains substances known as omega-3 essential fatty acids. Containing the fatty acids DHA and EPA, fish oil has been linked to memory improvement and general brain health, considering DHA is a substance that needs to maintain its presence in the brain. Also, the American Heart Association recommends that you take fish oils to help maintain heart health. It can help to decrease your risks of heart disease or cardiac arrest!

The importance of B12


The 12 b vitamin is one of the b vitamins that are essential to maintain a healthy body. Otherwise known as Cobalamin, the 12b vitamin is needed for the processes to convert the carbohydrates, fats and proteins from food into energy. 12 b also, more importantly, helps keep the red blood cells healthy and therefore prevent heart disease as well as keeping the immune system functioning at its maximum level. In addition, 12 b is used to create the protective covering of all nerve cells in the body.

The most important function of 12 b is to form healthy red blood cells. However, all cells need 12 b to keep them healthy. It is the white blood cells, amongst others, that need 12 b to help ensure that the immune system functioning properly. All of the nerve cells in the body also need 12 b to form their protective fatty layer. This is essential for all of the nerves but is especially so for those in the brain. If there is not sufficient 12 b to create this protective layer then the brain will not be functioning properly.

Interestingly, the amount of 12 b that the body needs is relatively small but is needed on a regular basis. However, 12 b on its own is not enough as the body cannot absorb it easily. To help the body absorb 12 b the stomach produces intrinsic factor which enables more of the 12 b to be absorbed. 12 b is only found in animal foods such as liver, eggs, fish and meat but most people consume far more than their recommended daily amount of 12 b. This is not a problem as the body can only absorb about half of the 12 b that is consumed. It is also worth noting that the body can recycle the 12 b which cuts down on the impact of a 12 b deficiency. However, strict vegetarians or vegans are likely to require 12 b supplements if they do not eat any animal products that contain 12 b.

If the body does not have enough 12 b then anaemia is the most obvious symptom. Obviously, this is due to the fact that there is not enough 12 b to make healthy red blood cells. Anaemia can also be caused by the body not creating enough intrinsic factor to help absorb the 12 b that is available in the food consumed. The body tends to makes less intrinsic factor once a person reaches 50 and this will lead to less 12 b being absorbed and supplements of 12 b may be required. Kids are also at risk from anaemia because they may not eat the food that contain 12 b. Pregnant women need more 12 b because the baby is absorbing 12 b during the pregnancy to grow properly.


New books out!!!!

Check out and search on kerecz! Enjoy!!!


I have added magnesium 250mg to my daily vitamins they say it’s very important and none of us get enough anymore?! (never hurts)

Two new supplements I am trying!!!

One is a super blend of mushrooms for my immune system and the other is Huperzine for my nervous system …….. I will let you all know if I see a difference!?

look it up!

Been trying the Shangri-La Diet ……… not sure of it ….. look it up if you want, it is mentioned in the book Freakonomics (look that up also).